Idea's for JavaScript Project's

Quick (Less than a day)

  1. Work days input
  2. JavaScript Drum Kit
  3. Clock
  4. Image Gallery
  5. Type Ahead
  6. Video Player
  7. Konami Code
  8. Mouse Move Effect
  9. Typing speed test
  10. Pantry inventory tracker10.
  11. Recipe generator
  12. Webcam Interface
  13. Speech Recognition
  14. Compass and Speedometer
  15. Countdown timer
  16. Checklist app
  17. Time tracker
  18. Alarm app
  19. Costs Splitter
  20. Birthday calendar
  21. Calendar
  22. Pressure calculator for tire pressure for bicycle
  23. Create or consume tracker
  24. Fortune Teller
  25. Rock, Paper, Scissors
  26. Peg Art Game
  27. Quote Generator
  28. Password Generator
  29. Exchange Rate Calculator
  30. Temperature Converter
  31. Compound Calculator
  32. Wind for cycling route
  33. Strava Kom wind assist
  34. Family Tree
  35. Binary Counter

API Connections (Integrations)

  1. Todoist API connection
  2. Github API connection

Intermediate (Week Long)

  1. Pomodoro timer
  2. Kids chores points system
  3. Expense Tracker
  4. Voting App
  5. Timezone converter
  6. Weight Tracker
  7. Whack a Mole
  8. Contacts list
  9. Meeting organizer
  10. Habit Tracker (
  11. Awareness counter
  12. Object Measurement Store
  13. Minesweeper
  14. Speech Synthesis
  15. Receipt/Warranty Scanner
  16. Countdown timers with saved optionTelephone Number Validator
  17. Roman Numeral Converter
  18. Palindrome Checker
  19. Caesars Cipher
  20. Calculator App
  21. Lighthouse Audit using Github Actions
  22. Search functionality to projects


  1. Color blind filter for Page
  2. Apiary manager
  3. Weekly recipe generator, Recipe api connection

Other lists

  1. Frontend Mentor - 16 front end projects